HW & CPS Security

The HW&CPS Security represents all Dutch academic institutions where cybersecurity research is conducted from a computer science perspective. Since the establishment of ACCSS, the SIG CS has acted as a bridge between he ‘ICT Research Platform Nederland‘ (IPN), which unites all Dutch academic research groups that have Computing Science as their core, and ACCSS (which unites cybersecurity scientists from a broader perspective than computer science alone).


When the SIG CS was founded at the end of 2017, the group consisted of cybersecurity scientists in computer science, who were also members of the Advisory Board of the former dcypher, supplemented by representatives of other cybersecurity computer science research groups. Information exchange and coordination where relevant were the motivation behind the foundation. The SIG CS met for the first time in early 2018.

The objective behind the SIG CS, as formulated in 2017, is actually still the same. The only difference is that the players on the field are organized slightly differently.​

Founding and Membership

SIG CS was founded in late 2017 by cybersecurity scientists, dcypher Advisory Board members, and other research representatives.


The group aimed to facilitate information exchange and coordination among cybersecurity research groups

Ongoing Objective

SIG CS’s original objective remains the same, with only slight changes in its organizational structure.

Objective SIG CS

Community Representation

SIG CS represents security-related ICT research within the IPN, serving as a sounding board for security issues.

Connecting Communities

It maintains the link between IPN and ACCSS, facilitating interaction between these overlapping communities.

Unified Front

SIG CS and IPN collaborate to unify Dutch cybersecurity research, coordinating with ACCSS to influence ministries and politicians.

Representing the community of security-related ICT research towards the IPN, fulfilling a sounding board function for the IPN on security issues, and maintaining the connection between the IPN and ACCSS, two different communities with points of contact and partial overlap. Discussions about knowledge and innovation agendas and capacity plans show that it can sometimes be beneficial for the outside world (ministries, for example, or politicians) to form a broader front, in which ALL Dutch cybersecurity research groups in computer science are represented. This front then fulfills the sounding board function. SIG CS and IPN work together to represent the interests of cybersecurity science in computer science, and where relevant, coordination takes place with ACCSS.

What is it?

A lightweight network of cybersecurity scientists in computer science, which forms the link between the IPN and (the Advisory Board of) ACCSS. In this context, the IPN speaks of a Special Interest Group, or a community within the larger IPN organization with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or technology, where members work together to influence solutions within their specific field or to develop, communicate about it and organize meetings. For example, five different SIGs function within the IPN.

Organisation SIG CS

We strive for a meeting circuit that fits seamlessly with the existing; it’s not for nothing that we call our SIG a lightweight network, which ensures optimal mutual coordination. The ACCSS Advisory Board meets four times a year. The SIG CS always meets exactly prior to an ACCSS Advisory Board meeting. The chairman of the SIG CS is also a member of the ACCSS Advisory Board. At least one of the SIG members will, in order to maintain the connection with the IPN, also attend the general assembly of the IPN, which is held twice a year.

The SIG CS also works closely with ACCSS and NWO in the implementation of activities. For example, the SIG CS has taken over the organization of the annual cyber security best research paper competition from the original dcypher and contributes to the organization and content of the annual ICT.Open conference.


Uniting Researchers Across the Netherlands for Cybersecurity Advancements.


Talk to

Marten van Dijk and Erik van der Kouwe

The full SIG-CS membership list can be found