Awards 2023

Dutch Cyber Security Best Research Paper (DCSRP) Award 2020

DCSRP Award 2020

On September 28th, 2020 the Dutch Cyber Security best Research Paper (DCSRP) Award was handed over to Sebastian Österlund for thepaper Rogue In-flight Data Load (RIDL) at the dcypher mini Symposium.

Sebastian Österlund (left on photo) presented the winning paper and receives the DCSRP 2020 Award from sponsors Marcel van Oirschot (KPN Security), Petra van Schayik (Compumatica) and Jan Piet Barthel (dcypher)

International Jury

This year’s international DCSRP Jury members were Prof. Anja Lehmann , Dr. Martina Lindorfer and Prof. Davide Balzarotti . They met under technical chairmanship of drs. Jan Piet Barthel (director dcypher) and selected the top four out of 10 papers. The Jury used three criteria for their assessment: level of technical achievement, impact in real world and publication venue, and all four selected papers came out just great. The presenters of the three other selected papers Dr. Stjepan Picek (CSI NN), Carlo Meijer (Self-Encrypting Deception) en Lucian Cojocar(Exploiting Correcting Codes) therefore receive a personalized certificate per post.

Dr. Martina Lindorfer announced the winner via Zoom. The Jury selected Rogue In-flight Data Load (RIDL). The paper written by Stephan van Schaik, Alyssa Milburn, Sebastian Österlund, Pietro Frigo, Giorgi Maisuradze, Kaveh Razavi, Herbert Bos and Cristiano Giuffrida ticked all the boxes. It had a high scientific impact, contained a huge learning experience, had to go public, gained 38(!) citations, had high media-attention and was well spread. The Jury decided to proclaim RIDL as the winning paper of the dcypher DCSRP 2020 Award. Except for the Dutch Cyber Security Research Paper Award, handed over by drs. Jan Piet Barthel the winner receives a by Compumatica and KPN Security sponsored bonus cheque of € 1000,00

Special Thanks

With specials thanks to the DCSRP Award sponsors in 2020: Compumatica and KPN Security

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