Michel van Eeten is a professor of cybersecurity at TU Delft. He studies the interaction between technological design and economic incentives. His team analyzes large-scale internet measurement and incident data to determine how internet service markets handle security risks. He has conducted empirical studies funded by NWO, the ITU, the OECD, the Department of Homeland Security, the European Commission, the Dutch National Police, the General Intelligence and Security Service, Fox-IT, banks, and various ministries within the Dutch government. Topics range from botnet mitigation, threat intelligence and abuse reporting, network measurements, information sharing, security metrics to cybercrime markets. Van Eeten is also a member of the Cyber Security Council, the official advisory body of the Dutch government.
“The Dutch cybersecurity research community has evolved from a set of small islands, each small group focused on a certain specialism in one discipline, to a close-knit community full of collaboration and trust across all researchers and disciplines. The platform of dcypher was integral to the building of that community, but it was time to provide more structure and accessibility to that community by organizing ourselves more formally. This is ACCSS. The Dutch cybersecurity research community is relatively small, but it has been punching above its weight in terms of cutting edge research for years. By joining forces, we aim to ensure that we retain this quality, even under competitive hiring pressure from the countries around us.”