Herbert Bos

Herbert Bos is a professor of Systems and Network Security at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where he co-leads the VUsec research group. He earned his Ph.D. from Cambridge University Computer Laboratory (UK). With a background in systems, he ventured into security a few years ago and has never left. His research interests encompass all aspects of system-level security and reliability, including topics such as software hardening, exploitation, microarchitectural attacks, binary analysis, fuzzing, side channels, and reverse engineering. He is very proud of his (former) students, who are much smarter than he is.

“I have been involved in ACCSS from the very beginning. I believe that the academic infosec community, with all its different disciplines, needs an organisation such as ACCSS to help answer the community’s questions about research and education, to forecast and understand important research topics, and to serve as the first point of contact for government and industry to interact with the academic infosec community.  I will strive to ensure that ACCSS represents all of its members and provides our community a powerful and recognizable voice in the security-related discourse.”

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View the National Cybersecurity Research Agenda III which is about some lorem ipsum dolor it asen.


View the National Cybersecurity Education Agenda, some more information about this to catch user attention.