Prof.dr. Bart JacobsRadboud University NijmegenBart Jacobs is a professor in the Digital Security group at the Institute for Computing and
Prof.dr. Sandro EtalleEindhoven University of TechnologyAs one of the authors of the National Cyber Security Research Agenda, a member of the Lokke MoerelTilburg UniversityLokke Moerel is a professor of ICT Law at Tilburg University (Netherlands), where she teaches global Herbert BosVrije Universiteit AmsterdamHerbert Bos is a professor of Systems and Network Security at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where he
Dr. Marten van DijkCentrum Wiskunde & InformaticaMarten van Dijk is the group leader of Computer Security at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Prof.dr. Michel van EetenDelft University of TechnologyMichel van Eeten is a professor of cybersecurity at TU Delft. He studies the interaction between
Prof.dr. Cristian HesselmanUniversity of TwenteUniversity of Twente Cristian Hesselman is a professor of Trusted Open Networking at the University of