Uniting Researchers Across the Netherlands for Cybersecurity Advancements.
Workgroups are independent but associated with and sometimes also funded by ACCSS. ACCSS members can form a working group around a specific area of interest or specific task, both of a temporary and more structural nature.
Special Interest Group Cyber Security SIG-CS
We form a network hub with and for cybersecurity scientists from all scientific disciplines and universities in the Netherlands.
Security and AI
We represent all Dutch academic institutions where cybersecurity research is conducted using artificial intelligence.
Interest group of young cyber security scientists, combining academic career development and growth ambitions with outreach to the broader community, contributing to cyber security research policy development from a young scientists’ perspective
Our Working group will focus on bringing together academic researchers across the Dutch research landscape, around several areas of action. Many disciplines have proven useful in helping to secure the activities of the user. As understanding has grown, collectively we are at a point where it is advantageous for the research community of the Netherlands to bring this knowledge together in one place, and this working group will serve that purpose.
This working group comprises researchers in the fields of hardware security and cyber-physical system security in the Netherlands focused on developing technologies to protect our critical systems, from smart cities and autonomous vehicles to industrial control systems and medical devices.
Recent Agendas
View the National Cybersecurity Research Agenda III which is about some lorem ipsum dolor it asen.