Call for Nominations: Best Dutch Cyber Security Research Paper 2023

Dear cybersecurity researchers,

With this call, we invite cybersecurity research groups at Dutch Universities and knowlegde institutes to nominate theri best recent cybersecurity research papers (i.e., published in 2022/2023). We will award two prizes, one for the technical category and one for themultidisciplinary category. Authors need to explicitly indicate the category for their submission. Based on all the admissible submissiors, an international jury will select the top three papers of each category

The leading authors of these papers will be invited to present their work in a special session at a soon to be announced academic cybersecurity event. At the event, we will also announce the Best Dutch Cybersecurity Research Paper (DCSRP) for each category.

Presenters receive a signed certificate for their participation, worthwhile mentioning on their Curriculum Vitae. The winners receive a certificate, a (sponsored) bonus check, a photo moment, and publicity (ACCSS webiste, other media). More information about the Dutch Cyber Security Research Paper Award can be found here.

This year, the DCSRP contest is organized by ACCSS in cooperation with the Special Interest Group Cyber Security (SIG CS). Luca Allodi (TU/e), Abhishta Abhishta (UT), Riccardo Ferrari (TU Delft), and Cristiano Giuffrida (VU Amsterdam) are leading the organization committee on behalf of SIG CS.

Please submit the following details by July 22, 2024, via this link (to be opened on July 8) – incomplete packages will be discarded:

  • Title of the nominated paper
  • Author name(s) of the paper
  • Published in … (name of journal/conference, etc)
  • Published on … (publication date)
  • Category of the submission (technical or multidisciplinary)
  • A short motivation for why this paper is being nominated (max 200 words)
  • Name of the Dutch Research institute(s) the main author(s) is (are) associated with and a short description of the contribution of the institute(s) to the paper (max 100 words)
  • In case of re-submission: A short description of the changes in the last year, which made this contribution more impactful compared to the previous submission (max 100 words)
  • The published version of the research paper in PDF format

Admissibility criteria:

  • Paper published in 2022 or 2023
  • The main contribution to the paper comes from a Dutch research institute

You can reach us at if you have any questions.

We look forward to your nominations!

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