Security vulnerability ACCSS

If you think you have found a vulnerability in our website, we would be happy to work with you to resolve this situation as soon as possible. That is why we ask you to share this information with us via email address info{at} To prevent misuse of the potential vulnerability by others, we ask you to adhere to the following guidelines when making a report:

  • Provide sufficient information (for example, a detailed description including IP addresses, logs, how to reproduce the vulnerability, screenshots, etc.), so that we can handle your report as effectively as possible.
  • Do not share the security vulnerability with others until the vulnerability is fixed.
  • Do not exploit the security vulnerability.

Five working days
After a security vulnerability has been reported, we will contact you within 5 working days to agree on a reasonable recovery period and any coordinated publication of the security vulnerability. We list the reports received at the bottom of this page, with or without name or address, in accordance with the wishes of the reporter.
