Cyber security programmes

The following principles were used in the first step to map out the educational activities for cybersecurity in higher education in the Netherlands:

  1. the educational activities can be related to the NCTV definition of cybersecurity;
  2. the educational activities are (part of) a recognized programme (CROHO);
  3. the total study load of cybersecurity courses is at least 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System, 1 ECTS = 28 hours of study).

This concerns expert programs and other programs in government-funded and non-government-funded higher education that provide training for Associate degrees, Bachelor and Master degrees. A cybersecurity programme can have its own CROHO number, but it is also possible that cybersecurity education activities from multiple programmes can jointly result in a recognized cyber security title. The cybersecurity education activities are grouped into five categories:

  • Organisation
  • Human & Behaviour
  • Technical
  • Electives
  • Internship + competences

The study load of five different categories is shown in a pie chart for each study programme, expressed as a percentage of the nominal study load. The profile of each study program can be downloaded with information about the institution, the study programme, characterization of the study program and the distribution of the study load.