Dutch Cyber Security Best Research Paper (DCSRP) Award 2019
DCSRP Award 2019
On March 20, 2019, the Dutch Cyber Security Best Research Paper (DCSRP) Award was presented in the Security & Privacy Track at ICT.OPEN 2019. The DCSRP 2019 jury chose CSIDH: An Efficient Post-Quantum Commutative Group Action presented by Lorenz Panny , written by Wouter Castryck, Tanja Lange, Chloe Martindale, Lorenz Panny, and Joost Renes This year the international jury members were Prof. Flavio Garcia , Prof. Cas Cremers and Dr. Katerina Mitrokotsa . They were technically supervised by jury chairman Jan Piet Barthel .
International Jury
The jury realizes that the world is looking for cryptographic solutions for the post-quantum future and appreciates the potential impact of this research and the direction it takes new research.
Thanks to KPN and IBM for sponsoring the DCSRP 2019 Award with a bonus check.